Passive House (Passivhaus) Certification
This certification is based on thought-through science and it is important to us to have an official independent Passive House certification (recognized globally). Sustainable Engineering is the accredited building certifier on behalf of the International Passive House Institute for New Zealand region.
Sustainable Engineering’s invaluable guide is aimed at architects and designers who want to start creating buildings that perform better than the Building Code minimum—all the way up to certified Passive House performance. Click here!
is a separate standard from the Passive House certification.
It is a comprehensive, independent national rating tool, run by the not-for-profit Green Building Council (New Zealand), that measures energy, health and comfort, water, waste, materials, site, home management, and an optional innovation category.
More details you can find here:

It’s a start into the right direction supporting people who want to build genuine long-lasting healthy homes. More should be done by the government, though such as real incentives such as discounts and reduced fees that entice people by rewarding them for taking action to build genuine healthy homes.
Tip: In addition, there is two banks (ASB, ANZ) in New Zealand that provides a special home-loan rate when you build a healthy home with a Homestar rating of 6+ which is easily achieved with a Passive House.