The closing to a bad experience
Apologies for not updating earlier. It has been nearly a year since our last post.
We now can close our horrendous experience. Click on this link to the website article by Stuff:
“eHaus ordered to pay couple 24000 over quote to build passive house“
We had to take eHaus to the Disputes Tribunal where we could only make a maximum claim of $30K to at least get some money back. Overall, we still made a loss of nearly $20k, not considering the time wasted and stress.
It was, is, and will be important to voice out bad performances especially if the other party does not rectify the issues in an appropriate way.
It might be wishful, but our general belief is that businesses should adopt a mindset of taking responsibility and not charge customers for their own mistakes. Businesses should not blame others. It might be costly in the short-term, but it is an opportunity for further development. Set things right and ensure the customer knows they are valued and have a positive experience which will multiply into healthy success in the long-term.
A national database where you can rate builders would be beneficial. What about Google Reviews? Every restaurant has to accept negative comments so the building industry should be capable of the same.
We are moving forward from this and still determined to build a passive house.