Author: Team Wunderbar

We’ve got CCC for our house!

We’ve got CCC for our house!

There are unfortunately people in the New Zealand building industry (we hope are few) who placed obstacles in our way and ripped us off despite my family bleeding out under life-threatening conditions. We hope there is real justice in this life at the end.
Despite the bad people, more importantly, we want to thank all the genuine people who had their hearts in the right place and supported us in our passive house-building journey.
The next and final step is to complete the passive house certification. Hopefully, we can share more positive news soon.
Manufacturer – Izodom 2000 Polska

Manufacturer – Izodom 2000 Polska

As a part of our building journey and closing off the year 2024, we would like to start sharing more about the products and businesses we worked with and that supported us.
We want to begin with an international company Izodom 2000 Polska ( established in 1991. This is the main structure of our house and is called ICF (Insulated Concrete Formwork). The Izodom walls require no thermal insulation, and provide a building with no thermal bridges, which is fast, resistant to moisture and fungi growth, and durability lasting over 150 years. The technology has a certificate of the Certified Passive House Components issued by the Passive House Institute in Germany.
Cheers to the year 2025!
A sign of life, 15 months later . . .

A sign of life, 15 months later . . .

At the bottom of hopelessness and life-threatening hurdles in our passive house-build journey, we want to believe there are a mountain of opportunities. We are still alive and closer to finishing. We wanted to share a small glimpse of our house and the beautiful moment caught on camera today.

It’s a pity that we couldn’t find the pot of gold as folktales tell.

Could we promise that we will be back? No, and if we do, we will not be the same. Soon the tales of our unexpected journey will be brought to daylight the good, the bad, and the ugly ones.

As for now, we enjoy this rare moment of beauty and hope.

Richtfest celebration

Richtfest celebration

The roof shout (Richtfest) is considered a long-standing tradition and milestone in construction.
We celebrated it and hope that smashing traditionally a glass will turn off some of the bad luck and negative experiences with our building journey. There is still some work to be done until we can finally move in and share more to help others have a smoother building journey.
2nd Open Construction Day – Roof Shout

2nd Open Construction Day – Roof Shout

Our next open Passive House Construction Day is on 6 May!

We celebrate the completion of the next construction stage – the house envelope and roof shout! 😀

Here is the link to register on Facebook:

We hope you can be inspired and build a passive house that is energy-efficient, warm, and lasts for generations. ⚒

We look forward to seeing you there!

1st Open Construction Day

1st Open Construction Day

Are you interested to consume up to 90% less heating energy than a conventional house in New Zealand?

Come check out our passive house during construction in Orewa this Saturday (01 October 2022)

Here is the link to register on Facebook:


We hope you can be inspired and build a passive house that is energy-efficient, warm, and lasts for generations.
We look forward to seeing you there!


We hit a milestone in our building journey!
Today we had our traditional “Spatenstich” (ground-breaking ceremony). Nevermind the sandals
Our constructors are passive house specialist Izodom New Zealand, building for passive house certification and Homestar 8 or above. Keeping wastage to the minimum is one of the many sustainability goals.
We look very much forward to driving up week by week to see the progress of our beautiful home.
Webinar about consenting our passive house windows in New Zealand

Webinar about consenting our passive house windows in New Zealand

We hope it will help the industry to reduce delay, cost and speed up processes for future builds. Most importantly cost-savings to the end-customer in New Zealand.
Our window system (Gealan) with external shutters (Aluprof) is very common in Europe (60+ years) but yet relatively newish to the New Zealand market. There is always room to improve.
If you missed getting to see the webinar from Passive House Institute New Zealand about consenting our passive house windows with Sang Architects and August Millard or would like a rerun please find the recording and downloadable slides here:
Theme: Overlay by Kaira Administrator: Team Wunderbar
Auckland, New Zealand